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About Tianyi…

Tianyi Liu is a Cinematographer and colorist baes in Beijing and Los Angeles.

Since 2016, he started pursue his Undergraduate BFA Degree in Film Production, before he graduate from School of Visual Arts in New York, he worked in over 30 productions including shorts, features, commercials and music videos in many different countries including China, Korea and US.

He graduated from American Film Institute in fall 2022 with a MFA degree in Cinematography. His mentor including current ASC president, Stephen Lighthill, and Local 600 Vice president, Dejan Georgevich, ASC.

Being a Cinematographer, Tianyi believes that it is very important to 100% express the emotions of the most touching moments to the audience and he believes that using light and color to paint an image is the most beautiful part to translate the script to an image narratively.
